Our key stakeholders with whom we collaborate to bring about systemic change and transformation

Foundations & Multilateral Agencies
Foundations and Multilateral agencies play a vital role in designing development programmes and guiding policy making, while ensuring their efforts are put to rigorous evaluation standards.This requires a careful balancing between objectivity and rigour and how results are communicated and made useful for relevant stakeholders.
Our approach involves developing trust and ownership for the results among your stakeholders. We remain adept at cutting edge evaluation methods, but it is our India-specific experience of over a decade that really matters when we design a study, communicate complex methods, findings and generate recommendations to make informed decisions.
We offer the following services to Foundations and Multilateral Agencies. Click below to know more:

Research Institutes & Universities
Research Institutes and Universities that conduct impactful research need support and collaboration on generating high-quality and timely survey data that is relevant to local context.
NEERMAN’s survey division works with institutes and universities in matching international standards and expectations for transparency, ethics, rigour of training, documentation, types and quality of measurements, and speed.
NEERMAN collaborates with its research partners through Survey and Data Collection service wherein we –
- Contribute to the research design
- Develop field and survey tools
- Manage field research and data collection
- Ensure Data Quality checks and analysis
- Manage stakeholders in India
- Co-author publications
- Logistical and Secretariat Services
We offer the following services to Research Institutes and Universities. Click below to know more

NGOs & CSR Organizations
Non-profits and CSR are increasingly integrating impact measurement as a core component of their programmatic interventions.
NEERMAN helps in balancing the accountability needs of the funders and implementation agencies through customized solutions that helps in measuring the impact of the programme on relevant stakeholders. Our approach focuses on supporting organization across the spectrum in designing and implementing customized M&E solutions that helps in informed decision-making.
We offer the following services to NGOs and CSR. Click below to know more –

Evaluations play a vital role for policymakers to assess and decide on directing resources for effective developmental programmes.
We work with government agencies to deliver high-quality research inputs through evaluations for demonstrating the aid-effectiveness of an intervention while adhering to established norms. Additionally, we work with departments and agencies in defending the research methods and findings in any forum, be it with peer reviewers or an executive branch.
We offer the following services to Government. Click below to know more –