Good quality research is contingent upon precise, reliable, and timely data.


Good quality research is contingent upon precise, reliable, and timely data.

As a specialized evaluation research organization, NEERMAN understands the importance of high-quality primary data collection. Over the last few years, we have invested in raising a professional and technology-driven field division that has over 3000 trained field staff and enumerators. Our field division has the experience and pedigree of undertaking surveys in

NEERMAN’s survey division can work with Universities, Institutes and Organizations that seek high-quality data in two modalities that differ in philosophy and approach.

Surveys & Data Collection

Contracting Modality

Best for organizations with a high level of expertise and experience in conducting surveys in India who seek pure data collection support but no other research support.
Surveys & Data Collection

Partnership Modality

Best for organizations that seek a research partner to collaborate on study design, development of tools, sampling, analysis, local stakeholder management, and co-authored publications in addition to high-quality data collection.

International organizations can also get secretariat services for visas, taxation, logistics, legal and other support.

Case Studies