Our newest centre for health systems we fondly call HEAT, is pushing technology frontiers to address most pressing health systems problems in India. Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) offered us an opportunity to demonstrate what technology can do for vaccine delivery system in India. We are developing and piloting a novel blockchain technology for immunization supply chain. This blockchain database will be a secure, decentralized, and common backbone for recording data from disparate sources such as MCTS and e-VIN to allow the tracking of vaccinations from the factory to the beneficiary using Aadhaar/UPI. This pilot seeks to create data connectors and then create data access using an open API to let researchers use ‘anonymised’ data to visualize and find patterns in the vaccine supply chain. This will enable interventions to ensure timely supply, delivery and consumption without ever compromising privacy concerns. If successful, machine learning algorithms can be used to predict the demand and then manage the full spectrum of vaccine ordering, supply chain, and delivery. We will be piloting his system using data from a few villages in Gujarat soon.